Friday, February 26, 2010

The 3 Secrets of a Billionaire

I recently read an article titled How to be a Billionaire by Shaun Rein who writes for Forbes on leadership. How cool is that?

In his article he shared how he and his team interviewed many really rich folks. The team then narrowed all the various findings to three secrets of the truly rich that most of the people they talked to said had helped them get to where they are:

The first two are:

1) They are never afraid to fail.

2) They look creatively at problems to find new revenue sources.

What really interest me is the 3rd secret!! I have taken the liberty to copy and paste this portion of the article (and I hope the author is ok with it)

3) The third secret of the truly rich is that they marry well. I don't mean they find a rich heir or heiress to wed, though that might not hurt. Rather, most of the truly rich we talked to, especially the self-made ones, told us that having a good spouse had been critical to their success. Starting a company or running a conglomerate takes a lot of sacrifices. The stress can be a killer. Having a good spouse to support you and, most important, believe in you as you struggle to the top is critical.

Many of the rich we talked to had been through long patches of poverty. They rented rather than bought their homes or took out triple mortgages to get cash flow for their start-ups. Some spent years working out of the garages or working double jobs to pursue their passions. Some made it big but then lost it all before bouncing back again. Make sure you find someone who believes in you and is willing to accept the hardship it takes to get to the top.

Food for thought!!